Friday, June 28, 2024

'Make Europe Great Again': Far Right Hungary Takes Over Presidency Of The Council Of The European Union #'Make #Europe #Great #Again': #Right #Hungary #Takes #Presidency #Council #European #Union #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
On 1 July, Hungary will take over the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union, with the term lasting until 31 December 2024. This has provoked unease ...

How Divorce Is Boosting Gender Equality In Sweden New Study #Divorce #Boosting #Gender #Equality #Sweden #Study #Inflation #Currency #US #Dollar #Exchange #Recession

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Single mothers are one of the most vulnerable groups in societies around the world. In Sweden, the number of women with these care responsibilities has nearly halved ...

Extreme Psychological Distress Is A Normal Response To Extreme Events Here's Why It's Unhelpful To Medicalise Distress #Extreme #Psychological #Distress #Normal #Response #Extreme #Events #Here's #It's #Unhelpful #Medicalise #Distress #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
My early TV viewing preferences were perhaps a clue that I'd make a career researching psychological trauma . I spent my youth watching the American war comedy drama ...

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Did Inbreeding Cause The Woolly Mammoth's Extinction? Our Research Suggests It Was More Sudden Than That #Inbreeding #Cause #Woolly #Mammoth's #Extinction? #Research #Suggests #More #Sudden #Than #That #Apple #Samsung #Google #AI #Chat #GPT #Cyber #Security

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
In science, we usually share our successes and ignore the less glamorous mishaps. We decided to follow a different approach. This is the story of how multiple ...

Headed To Glasto? How To Stay Healthy In The Festival Heat #Headed #Glasto? #Stay #Healthy #Festival #Heat #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
It's finally summer festival season – and the heat is on!
Hopefully, the warm weather's what you wanted – we all know it's miserable getting stuck in a cold, wet ...

Who Designed The FGC-9? Unmasking The Man Behind The World's Most Popular 3D-Printed Gun Podcast #Designed #FGC-9? #Unmasking #Behind #World's #Most #Popular #3D-Printed #Podcast #Apple #Samsung #Google #AI #Chat #GPT #Cyber #Security

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
3D-printed guns are now appearing the world over, including in the hands of organised criminals in Europe and anti-junta rebels in Myanmar. Made using a 3D printer and ...

Grattan On Friday: The Assange Light And Sound Show Overshadows Government Problems #Grattan #Friday: #Assange #Light #Sound #Show #Overshadows #Government #Problems #Meeting #Discussions #Event #Agreement #MoU

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
As scripted political dramas go, Julian Assange's (welcome) arrival in Canberra on Wednesday night would be hard to beat.
Even before Assange exited the plane, Anthony ...