Friday, June 28, 2024

'Make Europe Great Again': Far Right Hungary Takes Over Presidency Of The Council Of The European Union #'Make #Europe #Great #Again': #Right #Hungary #Takes #Presidency #Council #European #Union #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
On 1 July, Hungary will take over the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union, with the term lasting until 31 December 2024. This has provoked unease ...

How Divorce Is Boosting Gender Equality In Sweden New Study #Divorce #Boosting #Gender #Equality #Sweden #Study #Inflation #Currency #US #Dollar #Exchange #Recession

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Single mothers are one of the most vulnerable groups in societies around the world. In Sweden, the number of women with these care responsibilities has nearly halved ...

Extreme Psychological Distress Is A Normal Response To Extreme Events Here's Why It's Unhelpful To Medicalise Distress #Extreme #Psychological #Distress #Normal #Response #Extreme #Events #Here's #It's #Unhelpful #Medicalise #Distress #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
My early TV viewing preferences were perhaps a clue that I'd make a career researching psychological trauma . I spent my youth watching the American war comedy drama ...

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Did Inbreeding Cause The Woolly Mammoth's Extinction? Our Research Suggests It Was More Sudden Than That #Inbreeding #Cause #Woolly #Mammoth's #Extinction? #Research #Suggests #More #Sudden #Than #That #Apple #Samsung #Google #AI #Chat #GPT #Cyber #Security

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
In science, we usually share our successes and ignore the less glamorous mishaps. We decided to follow a different approach. This is the story of how multiple ...

Headed To Glasto? How To Stay Healthy In The Festival Heat #Headed #Glasto? #Stay #Healthy #Festival #Heat #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
It's finally summer festival season – and the heat is on!
Hopefully, the warm weather's what you wanted – we all know it's miserable getting stuck in a cold, wet ...

Who Designed The FGC-9? Unmasking The Man Behind The World's Most Popular 3D-Printed Gun Podcast #Designed #FGC-9? #Unmasking #Behind #World's #Most #Popular #3D-Printed #Podcast #Apple #Samsung #Google #AI #Chat #GPT #Cyber #Security

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
3D-printed guns are now appearing the world over, including in the hands of organised criminals in Europe and anti-junta rebels in Myanmar. Made using a 3D printer and ...

Grattan On Friday: The Assange Light And Sound Show Overshadows Government Problems #Grattan #Friday: #Assange #Light #Sound #Show #Overshadows #Government #Problems #Meeting #Discussions #Event #Agreement #MoU

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
As scripted political dramas go, Julian Assange's (welcome) arrival in Canberra on Wednesday night would be hard to beat.
Even before Assange exited the plane, Anthony ...

Kenya's Spy Chief Leads The National Intelligence Service What The Job Is All About #Kenya's #Chief #Leads #National #Intelligence #Service #What #About #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
When Kenya's President William Ruto nominated a new national intelligence chief in May 2023, he broke with tradition. The president picked a career intelligence officer ...

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Digital Multi-Tasking Is Ruining Our Work, School Grades And Sleep Here Are 7 Ways We Can Reclaim Our Attention Spans #Digital #Multi-Tasking #Ruining #Work, #School #Grades #Sleep #Ways #Reclaim #Attention #Spans #Apple #Samsung #Google #AI #Chat #GPT #Cyber #Security

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
With the summer holidays now upon us, many people will be looking forward to kicking back with a good novel, or having the time to read longer articles. However, ...

Kenyan Police And Protests: Researchers On A Violent, Corrupt Security Force That's Beyond Reform #Kenyan #Police #Protests: #Researchers #Violent, #Corrupt #Security #Force #That's #Beyond #Reform #Factory #Output #Production #Appliance #Equipment

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Kenya's police are being criticised for their violent response to protests over the past week against government proposals to raise US$2.7 billion in additional taxes . ...

Julian Assange Is Free, But Curly Legal Questions About His Case Remain #Julian #Assange #Free, #Curly #Legal #Questions #About #Case #Remain #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Today Julian Assange walked out of the Federal Court Building in Saipan, North Marianas Islands, a free man. He pleaded guilty to one count of breaching the US ...

Five Ways To Improve The Global Voluntary Carbon Credit Markets #Five #Ways #Improve #Global #Voluntary #Carbon #Credit #Markets #Factory #Output #Production #Appliance #Equipment

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
The severity of climate change means we all need to reduce our carbon footprint to zero as quick as possible, including companies. The voluntary carbon markets were set ...

Nuclear Energy Creates The Most Dangerous Form Of Radioactive Waste. Where Does Peter Dutton Plan To Put It? #Nuclear #Energy #Creates #Most #Dangerous #Radioactive #Waste. #Where #Does #Peter #Dutton #Plan #Factory #Output #Production #Appliance #Equipment

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton's pledge to build seven nuclear energy plants, if elected, has triggered heated political debate – mostly about the costs and timetable ...

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Good News Is The Australian Economy Is About To Turn Up. Here's Why #Good #News #Australian #Economy #About #Turn #Here's #Inflation #Currency #US #Dollar #Exchange #Recession

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Right now things feel awful.
Tuesday's Westpac Melbourne Institute survey shows three times as many Australians say their finances have worsened than say they've got ...

Mining Needs More Regulation, According To South Africans Survey #Mining #Needs #More #Regulation, #According #South #Africans #Survey #Factory #Output #Production #Appliance #Equipment

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
South Africa has large reserves of coal , gold , manganese and platinum .
It also has–critical– minerals and metals. Though there is no consensus on which minerals are ...

Senator Fatima Payman Defies Labor Solidarity Rule To Cross Floor On Pro-Palestine Greens Motion #Senator #Fatima #Payman #Defies #Labor #Solidarity #Rule #Cross #Floor #Pro-Palestine #Greens #Motion #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Labor senator Fatima Payman has crossed the floor to support a motion moved by the Greens declaring–the need for the Senate to recognise the State of Palestine–. ...

View From The Hill: Hero Or Villain, Julian Assange's Cause Crossed The Political Divide #View #Hill: #Hero #Villain, #Julian #Assange's #Cause #Crossed #Political #Divide #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
The Julian Assange affair stands at the awkward intersection of a country's right to keep secret national security information and the public's right to know what is ...

Monday, June 24, 2024

How Quickly Does Groundwater Recharge? The Answer Is Found Deep Underground #Quickly #Does #Groundwater #Recharge? #Answer #Found #Deep #Underground #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
You would have learned about the–water cycle– in primary school – water's journey, from evaporation to rainfall to flowing in a stream or sinking into the ground to ...

No More Recreational Vaping For Australians. From October, Vapes Will Be Sold Over The Counter At Pharmacies #More #Recreational #Vaping #Australians. #October, #Vapes #Sold #Counter #Pharmacies #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
The Australian Senate is set to pass a bill that will see the end of all vape sales – regardless of nicotine content – from general retailers. From July 1, non-nicotine ...

Dutton Wants Australia To Join The“Nuclear Renaissance” But This Dream Has Failed Before #Dutton #Wants #Australia #Join #The“Nuclear #Renaissance” #This #Dream #Failed #Factory #Output #Production #Appliance #Equipment

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Last week, opposition leader Peter Dutton called for Australia to join what he dubbed the–international nuclear energy renaissance–. ...

Climate Minister Chris Bowen Says Replacing Coal-Fired Power Stations With Nuclear Would Cost $387 Billion #Climate #Minister #Chris #Bowen #Replacing #Coal-Fired #Power #Stations #Nuclear #Would #Cost #$387 #Billion #Factory #Output #Production #Appliance #Equipment

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
The government says replacing Australia's retiring fleet of coal-fired power stations with nuclear energy would cost some $387 billion.
The costing, put out by the ...

Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome: Should I Be Worried If I'm Travelling To Japan? #Streptococcal #Toxic #Shock #Syndrome: #Worried #Travelling #Japan? #Facebook #Twitter #Meta #Instagram #TikTok

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
You may have heard reports in recent days of a–flesh-eating bacteria– spreading in Japan, referring to an illness that can occur with streptococcal toxic shock syndrome ...

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Cold Snap, Low On Gas: The Possible Gas Shortage In Victoria Is A Warning #Cold #Snap, #Gas: #Possible #Shortage #Victoria #Warning #Factory #Output #Production #Appliance #Equipment

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Not far inland from Port Campbell in Victoria lie three depleted gas fields. These underground sandstone reservoirs now have a second life, as the state's main gas ...

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Dries Van Noten Bids Farewell To Florals And The Fashion World #Dries #Noten #Bids #Farewell #Florals #Fashion #World #Cinema #Music #Movie #Disney #Netflix

(MENAFN - The Peninsula)


Paris: Fashion great Dries Van Noten will be presenting his very last show in Paris on Saturday to end a glittering 40-year career.
The universally respected ...

US Presidential Debate Biden-Trump Thursday June 27 2024 #Presidential #Debate #Biden-Trump #Thursday #June #2024 #Inflation #Currency #US #Dollar #Exchange #Recession

(MENAFN - Newsroom Panama)

Undecided voters await Biden-Trump debate Thursday June 27 with an eye on the economy, border and age. Trump supporters and voters are at 40% and Biden supporters are ...

The Exorcism: Russell Crowe Film-Set Meta Horror Has Promise But Doesn't Quite Convince #Exorcism: #Russell #Crowe #Film-Set #Meta #Horror #Promise #Doesn't #Quite #Convince #Facebook #Twitter #Meta #Instagram #TikTok

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
In 2020, horror streaming service Shudder debuted a documentary series entitled Cursed Films , which examined films (primarily horror films such as Poltergeist, The ...

Your Wig Could Be Poisoning You: Study Finds Pesticides And Other Toxic Chemicals In Synthetic Hair In Nigeria #Your #Poisoning #You: #Study #Finds #Pesticides #Other #Toxic #Chemicals #Synthetic #Hair #Nigeria #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Well-groomed hair is a symbol of beauty for many black African women. Natural hair requires special care and attention , though, which can be time consuming. Wigs ...

Kenya Protests: Gen Z Shows The Power Of Digital Activism - Driving Change From Screens To The Streets #Kenya #Protests: #Shows #Power #Digital #Activism #Driving #Change #Screens #Streets #Apple #Samsung #Google #AI #Chat #GPT #Cyber #Security

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Nationwide demonstrations have erupted in Kenya over a controversial tax bill. The Finance Bill 2024 , initially presented to parliament in May, has sparked discontent ...

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Known Unknowns: Controversy Over CSIRO's Electricity Report Reveals An Uncomfortable Truth #Known #Unknowns: #Controversy #CSIRO's #Electricity #Report #Reveals #Uncomfortable #Truth #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
CSIRO's latest annual GenCost update , released last month, was billed as Australia's–most comprehensive electricity generation cost report–.
GenCost has proven to be ...

China's War Games Near Taiwan Threaten International Peace And Security #China's #Games #Near #Taiwan #Threaten #International #Peace #Security #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Taiwan recently saw yet another peaceful transition of power with the inauguration of President Lai Ching-Te , who was elected to office in January .
In his inaugural ...

Could Labour's Massive Poll Lead Affect, As Well As Reflect, How It Performs At The Election? Three Things The Evidence Tells Us #Labour's #Massive #Poll #Lead #Affect, #Well #Reflect, #Performs #Election? #Three #Things #Evidence #Tells #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
The 2024 election is shaping up to be the most opinion-poll-heavy ever in the UK. And when so many polls are flying around, it can start to feel like they are setting ...

Microrobots Made Of Algae Carry Chemo Directly To Lung Tumors, Improving Cancer Treatment #Microrobots #Made #Algae #Carry #Chemo #Directly #Lung #Tumors, #Improving #Cancer #Treatment #Vaccines #Pills #Doctor #Hospital #Pandemic

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Tumors that travel to the lungs, or lung metastases , pose a formidable challenge in the realm of cancer treatment. Conventional chemotherapy often falls short because ...

Columbia Law Review Article Critical Of Israel Sparks Battle Between Student Editors And Their Board − Highlighting Fragility Of Academic Freedom #Columbia #Review #Article #Critical #Israel #Sparks #Battle #Student #Editors #Their #Board #Highlighting #Fragility #Academic #Freedom #Apple #Samsung #Google #AI #Chat #GPT #Cyber #Security

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Editors of Columbia Law Review , a prominent journal run by students from the prestigious university's law school, say the publication's board of directors urged them ...

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Climate Holdout Japan Drove Australia's LNG Boom. Could The Partnership Go Green? #Climate #Holdout #Japan #Drove #Australia's #Boom. #Partnership #Green? #Inflation #Currency #US #Dollar #Exchange #Recession

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Without funding from Japan, many of Australia's gas projects wouldn't have gone ahead. Massive public loans from Japanese taxpayers are propping up Australia's ...

Simply Looking At Greenery Can Boost Mental Health New Research #Simply #Looking #Greenery #Boost #Mental #Health #Research #Vaccines #Pills #Doctor #Hospital #Pandemic

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
It is becoming increasingly clear that spending time in nature can benefit our mental health and wellbeing. But a new study by my colleagues and me shows that you don't ...

PFAS Are Toxic 'Forever Chemicals' That Linger In Our Air, Water, Soil And Bodies Here's How To Keep Them Out Of Your Drinking Water #PFAS #Toxic #'Forever #Chemicals' #That #Linger #Air, #Water, #Soil #Bodies #Here's #Keep #Them #Your #Drinking #Water #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Close to half of America's tap water contains PFAS, or perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances . These–forever chemicals– are in thousands of products, from ...

Summertime Can Be Germy: A Microbiologist Explains How To Avoid Getting Sick At The Barbecue, In The Pool Or On The Trail #Summertime #Germy: #Microbiologist #Explains #Avoid #Getting #Sick #Barbecue, #Pool #Trail #Vaccines #Pills #Doctor #Hospital #Pandemic

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
As flowers bloom and temperatures climb, many are eager to get back outside. But while the Sun may be shining, there is a dark side that can make the great outdoors not ...

Independent Voters Are Few In Number, Influential In Close Elections And Hard For Campaigns To Reach #Independent #Voters #Number, #Influential #Elections #Hard #Campaigns #Reach #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
As the 2024 campaign cycle unfolds, campaign strategists, pollsters and political scientists have been closely watching independent voters.
The year began with a ...

Monday, June 10, 2024

American Slavery Wasn't Just A White Man's Business − New Research Shows How White Women Profited, Too #American #Slavery #Wasn't #Just #White #Man's #Business #Research #Shows #White #Women #Profited, #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
As the United States continues to confront the realities and legacy of slavery, Americans continue to challenge myths about the country's history. One enduring myth is ...

Election 2024: Labour's Gaza Stance Has Driven Many Muslim Candidates To Stand As Independents #Election #2024: #Labour's #Gaza #Stance #Driven #Many #Muslim #Candidates #Stand #Independents #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
The 2024 election will see a lengthy list of independent candidates standing against Labour politicians in protest against its position on Gaza.
A newly organised ...

Eminem's New Single, Houdini, Is A Self-Referential Reminder Of His Unstoppable Anti-Hero Appeal #Eminem's #Single, #Houdini, #Self-Referential #Reminder #Unstoppable #Anti-Hero #Appeal #Cinema #Music #Movie #Disney #Netflix

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Eminem burst onto the music scene in 1999 with The Slim Shady LP. The album's lead single, My Name Is, introduced himself to the world along with his alter ego Slim ...

Snap Elections In France: A Political Scientist Lays Out What's At Stake #Snap #Elections #France: #Political #Scientist #Lays #What's #Stake #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Speaking at a surprise address to the nation on Sunday evening, French president Emmanuel Macron told French citizens he had–decided to give [them] back the choice of ...

EU Parliament Election Sees Shaken Centre Hold But Far Right Now Has Chances To Show Its Strength #Parliament #Election #Sees #Shaken #Centre #Right #Chances #Show #Strength #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
After the four-day, 27-state democratic marathon that is the European parliamentary election, a picture has emerged of a fragile centre just holding amid a shift to the ...

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Destroying Nigeria's Riverside Forests Is Bad For The Freshwater Ecosystem #Destroying #Nigeria's #Riverside #Forests #Freshwater #Ecosystem #Food #Flowers #Storm #Climate #Change #Earthquake

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Nigeria's population growth – at a rate of more than 2.5% a year – is indirectly driving all kinds of environmental degradation. There is an incessant demand for more ...

Angola's Peatlands Trap Carbon And Clean The Region's Water How We Mapped This Newly Found Landscape #Angola's #Peatlands #Trap #Carbon #Clean #Region's #Water #Mapped #This #Newly #Found #Landscape #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Ask most people what they picture when thinking about natural–carbon sinks– – ecosystems that absorb and store greenhouse gases – and they'll probably describe a ...

View From The Hill: Peter Dutton Sets Up A Debate About Australia's Ambition On Emission Reduction Targets #View #Hill: #Peter #Dutton #Sets #Debate #About #Australia's #Ambition #Emission #Reduction #Targets #Factory #Output #Production #Appliance #Equipment

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
In his latest foray into the climate change debate, Peter Dutton has sown fresh confusion around the opposition's policy, whether intentionally or by failing to spell ...

Peter Costello Quits As Chairman Of Nine In The Wake Of Airport Fracas With Reporter #Peter #Costello #Quits #Chairman #Nine #Wake #Airport #Fracas #Reporter #Facebook #Twitter #Meta #Instagram #TikTok

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Peter Costello has resigned as chairman of the Nine Entertainment media company, days after the highly-publicised incident in which a journalist who was trying to ask ...

Does Magic Really Exist? The Conversation's Curious Kids Podcast #Does #Magic #Really #Exist? #Conversation's #Curious #Kids #Podcast #Facebook #Twitter #Meta #Instagram #TikTok

(MENAFN - The Conversation)
Seven-year-old Julia in London thinks that rainbows and the Northern Lights are magical. But if a scientist tells her how they work, will she still believe they are? ...